Making the most of our wonderful home and along with our cura te ipsum path...we decided to start spending time with some of the influential people in our lives and clear the space for expansion, education and understanding on our own terms. Studying the things we want to, with those who are willing to teach us.
Installation numero uno: Djembe making with Kyle Neidig Our first guest was a long time friend of mine, the one and only mr. Kyle Neidig <3 musician, artisan, cat-whisper, & chef extraordinaire! For more about Kyle, see his bio below.
I was always in awe of those who could play djembes- with such beauty and power, and at various times I theorized about getting one but lacked the motivation to actually go through with it. Plus I knew if I had one, I wanted to make it myself, making the task that much more daunting. I knew eternalinnersmile and morganalafay shared this desire- we had casually mentioned it from time to time but without any real plans...
Then, at the
new england's women's herbal conference, Mz. Amani and the heartbeats were beyond words- so captivating, majestic, and primal. They were the spark that ignited our lingering desires into what was now a fiery need- a need to satisify our primal right to build, grown and heal through drumming- NOW. It was decided, the time had come...