A few years ago, I was intrigued by the cover of this book (not knowing who Ram Dass was) and pulled it off the shelf at my grandmother house. She let me keep it but it fell into the abyss that is my '"want-to-read section" of my library. After slowly reading Be Here Now over the past year, I recently picked this back up and am finding it so relavent to my (our) life (lives). I understand why and am grateful for our world of synchronicity and why i chose to wait and read his thoughts on the dance that is the evolution of consciousness now.
excerpts from a Ram Dass in The Only Dance There Is
The only thing you have to offer another human being, ever, is your own state of being...but everything you do, wheather your cooking food or doing therapy or being a student or wheather your a lover, you are only doing your own being, you are only manifesting how evolved a consciousness you are, thats what your doing with other human beings. Thats the only dance there is! 6HIGHLY recommend Be Here Now.
Since i understand that as man up-levels his own consciousness, he sees more creative solutions to the one he is solving. 42
The truth is everywhere. Wherever you are, it's right where you are, when you can see it. And you can see it through whatever vehicle you are working with, you can f r e e yourself from certain attachments that keep you from s e e i n g it. The scientist doesn't stop being a scientist, nor anybody stop being anything. You find how do things to yourself which allow you to find the truth where you are at that moment. I'd say we never find out anything new; we just remember it. 54
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