Check out my newest article for Natural News- demystifying fevers and explaining how and why they are healing process the body is designed to go through and NOT a symptom that needs to be suppressed. This is an issue fundamental to naturopathic philosophy, to support the body in its healing process or turn of the symptoms? Parents and patients need to understand the difference.
"One of the biggest misconceptions in health care today is the role of fevers. Through misunderstanding, many parents fear fevers, when they should love and respect them. A fever is one of the most extraordinary and intricate healing processes in the body. It plays out like a symphony, orchestrated only when needed to stimulate an immune response, destroy invading organisms and promote the restoration of health. The American Academy of Pediatrics voiced concerns in a 2011 study, concluding that parents need to understand the fever itself is not endangering to a healthy child. In contrast, it's actually beneficial and the primary goal of treatment should be to improve comfort, rather than lowering body temperature alone...."
Read the whole article here: Learn to Love Fevers, NOT fear them
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