Friday, April 15, 2011

Great Naturopathic Videos

I just stumbled upon these great Naturopathic videos- perfect for students or patients!

The Naturopathic Perspective

Also- Congratulations to North Dakota for passing ND licensure!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Homeopathy Rebuttle

Homeopathy...the great debate...
Everyone seems to have an opinion on homeopathy. It is one of the most controversial aspects of the "alternative" medicine world and often under attack by all the "real scientists" out there.

Here is nice rebuttal to the recent mass homeopathic overdose attempt that was aimed to prove homeopathy doesn't work. Of course, this entire ploy overlooked the fact that- we know that you can not overdose on homeopathic remedies, thats kinda the point...its one of the great benefits of using them.  Just because allopathic medicines are so toxic that taking simply one pill too many can kill you, does not mean all medicines are. It is the same sort of critique that most natural medicine is faced with. These "real scientists" need to adapt their mode of evaluation to the substance they are testing- you can't compare apples to oranges and expect the same results.

Homeopathy Rebuttal