Friday, December 30, 2011

I think we've had the revolution bred out of us....

and many more interesting thoughts are loquaciously explained by Russell Brand in this provoking discussion between him, Daniel Pinchbeck, and  Graham Hancock.   Starting by discussing the role of the media in the suppression of consciousness and numbing of the people, to drug addiction, DMT, water crystals,  shamanism, and the pyramids of Egypt they just about touch on it all :)

There Be Dragons: Daniel Pinchbeck Talks with Russell Brand

i’m remembering something i’ve forgot.
Be sure to check out the rest of this amazing web magazine, featuring media and posts that cover all topics related to the evolution of  consciousness, paradigm shifts, and  transformation. I’m going to explore it more right now! Reality Sandwich
Are you an independent cell of consumption or a harmonious cell of contribution to the whole?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Newest Article on Natural News: PC6 & Stress Relief

Pericardium 6 or Inner Pass (PC6, Neiguan) is one of the most well-known, highly researched and often utilized Acupuncture points. It is indicated to calm the spirit and regulate the heart, making it useful for conditions like heart pain, palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, fear, mania, nausea and menstrual irregularities to name a few. How can one little point benefit so many vastly different conditions? Because it works to treat the underlying cause and common denominator of most illnesses: stress…

image from

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Elm St Castle Weekend Sessions: djembe love

Making the most of our wonderful home and along with our cura te ipsum path...we decided to start spending time with some of the influential people in our lives and clear the space for expansion, education and understanding on our own terms. Studying the things we want to, with those who are willing to teach us.

Installation numero uno: Djembe making with Kyle Neidig
Our first guest was a long time friend of mine, the one and only mr. Kyle Neidig <3 musician, artisan, cat-whisper, & chef extraordinaire!  For more about Kyle, see his bio below.
I was always in awe of those who could play djembes- with such beauty and power,  and at various times I theorized about getting one but lacked the motivation to actually go through with it. Plus I knew if I had one,  I wanted to make it myself, making the task that much more daunting. I knew eternalinnersmile and morganalafay shared this desire- we had casually mentioned it from time to time but without any real plans...
Then, at  the new england's women's herbal conference, Mz. Amani and the heartbeats were beyond words- so captivating, majestic, and primal. They were the spark that ignited our lingering desires into what was now a fiery need-  a need to satisify our primal right to build, grown and heal through drumming- NOW. It was decided, the time had come...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Learn to See the Wold Anew

“You cannot solve a problem from the 

same consciousness that created it.

 You must learn to see the world anew.”